Gamified IoT smart bins could teach and encourage children to recycle electronic waste. In an innovation course, Haaga-Helia’s ICT students created prototypes for that. The students learned about innovation, systematic process creation, problem solving and choice validation. There is potential in student and company collaboration in IoT as the technology is still evolving and companies are trying to find best practices for it.

IoT Rapid-Proto Labs gives opportunity to collaborate internationally. Haaga-Helia was given the assignment by Italian partners, University of Trento and FBK research center. Now, the project is ready to be forwarded. The concept is ready to travel to the Netherlands where engineering design students from TU Delft are supposed to give development proposals. After that, the project will be ready to go back to Italy where engineering students of University of Trento are supposed to execute smart bin solutions.

Read the full text in Finnish here.